If before the feminist women’s thoughts were unified in the so-called waves (first, second, third, etc.), here are women of several generations, different ways of thinking, occupations and, nevertheless, the feeling is that, in these times, our voices create a crescendo until wave after wave creates a true tsunami. At the same time, each voice in this anthology explores different facets of being a woman (and all that this can mean corporately, materially and ideologically) in a way that signulates. Through these texts that word changes, we seek to think about our representation – or the lack of it -, the definitions and labels that are imposed on us, we trace the history and cultural violence, but we also outline our resistances. At a time when visibility has become an obesession, we are even trying to talk about how sometimes being unseen can be the best way to be free. In a historical moment of denouncing violence (with initiatives or movements such as #MiPrimerAcoso, #MeToo and #TimesUp) also seeks to think how not to make these moments turn into essentialists. The women of this anthology define us in different ways, and we come from diverse worlds, although we all gather around the word: the result is texts that speak of different forms of things that concern us all. Texts that are an inspiration and an invitation to think better, with greater care and intelligence, with more heart.