Cristina Romero; Francis Martin

Libro Violeta Mas Alla Del Rosa Y El Azul, El (P.D.)

ISBN: 9788412310696 Categoría: Editorial:
They say that the Indians already recognized up to five genders among the members of their tribe. They did not impose gender roles on their babies, whose clothes were carefully neutral. And each person had the freedom to grow and love his way, without judgment around him. This book represents a simple invitation in favor of diversity. A violet light on the path of all those people who want to be happy in their own way, without hiding by the rigid and painful cultural and social molds in which on many occasions we feel involved.


John Marceline Inés Arredondo
Carlo Davide Cenadelli
Emiliano Becerril; Julia Reyes
José Luis / López, Misael Arturo Neila