A book that marks a definitive guideline in the cultural and art history in Mexico, in addition to a forceful contribution to the ever-growing bibliographic collection on women, art and Feminisms in contemporary culture worldwide. Fruit of the efforts of four young researchers -Gemma Argüello Manresa, Natalia de la Rosa, Carla Lamoyi and Roselin Rodríguez Espinosa- the book and the exhibition, which are the dual product of this project, make it impossible to ignore the importance of the artistic work. and the cultural actions of active women in Mexico between 1975 and 1985, a period that coincides with the rise of the contemporary feminist movement in the country. Likewise, they make it very clear that the way women worked at that time, in collaborative networks, fundamentally enriches and transforms the way power relations are presented in the artistic and cultural field, giving rise to distinctive creative initiatives. and addressing topics that had been absent in the environment. Divided into four chapters and a series of complementary articles, the book is based on conversations with artists and the study of both archives and personal and institutional collections in the country. Each chapter presents a different field of dispute, whether from militancy, institutions, literature or theory, exposed through the research of Gemma Argüello, Natalia de la Rosa, Carla Lamoyi and Roselin Rodríguez Espinosa. Each chapter is also accompanied by a specific study, based on the work of Alejandra Moreno, Blanca Edna Alonso, Elva Peniche, Pilar García and Irving Domínguez; as well as a foreword by Karen Cordero.